Saturday, September 08, 2018

Create Notepad Virus

Create Notepad Virus Executable(.exe) Using Batch Scripting

First of all, what is batch scripting, those who don’t know, take a look below:
“It is simply a text file, containing a series of commands, which are executed automatically, line by line when the batch file runs.”
By using Batch File you can create an extremely dangerous virus which can delete the Windows files, format different drives [C:\, E:], steal data files and information, disable antivirus, firewall, etc.
NOTE: This post is solely and mainly for educational purpose only. I am nowhere responsible for any kind of damage caused by this tutorial, for more info read our disclaimer.
Now, Open the Notepad application and Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) the codes given below one by one for the different virus in a different file.

Note: I am not responsible for any damage or error reporting on Your PC, do it at your own risk.
Warning: Do not try this on your daily working PC.

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