Sunday, September 09, 2018



click on start menu and type " cmd " without quotes. Now  command prompt  will appear 
  1- on start screen. Right click on cmd and select " RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR" .
Note :  It is must that you run cmd as administration   privilege otherwise it will show error in next steps. 
  After clicking , computer will ask for permission select   "yes" then the command prompt screen will appear.
 Step 2 :    NOW to check whether  your computer has drivers to support LAN or not, type" netsh wlan show drivers " without quotes .  It will show the output like the image.
 In the output Hosted network supported :Yes means that your compute supports hosted networks. Verify this.     
Step 3 :  Type " cls " without quotes ,this will clear the screen .

Step 4 :   Now  to create the hotspot network  type following code in cmd  :

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Hotspotname   key=password
                replace hotspotname with your desired ssid  and password with your password(at least 8 character) for the network and hit enter . for example we are creating our hosted network                   
like this : 
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=shackingtricks key=shivamtrick

Step 6 :  now you will find your hot spot in all wifi enabled devices near you computer(dependent range). connect to it by inputting you password chosen during creation and enjoy !!  
now you can close command prompt if you want.

Step 7 :    To check hot spot status type  following code  and hit enter  
                        netsh wlan show hostednetwork

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